Categories: Free Speech Issues

Twitter Lawsuit Filed by Charles (Chuck) Johnson, Alt-Right Journalist Permanently Banned in 2015

Charles C. Johnson, who was permanently banned from Twitter in 2015, has now filed a lawsuit against Twitter for banning him although he was not, according to his assertions, in violation of Twitter rules at the time of his ban.

Johnson, also known as Chuck Johnson, maintains two websites offering “news” which Media Bias Fact Check characterizes as a questionable source. Media Bias Fact Check also says the news found on Johnson’s sites show  Extreme Right Bias including “Propaganda, Conspiracy, Hate Group, Some Fake News.”

Media Bias Fact Check Notes: “GotNews is an Alt-Right news and opinion website with extreme right wing bias in reporting. GotNews is founded and owned by Charles C. Johnson who has been called an internet troll and the most hated man on the internet. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center Johnson has numerous ties to the racist ‘Alt-Right’ and has professed white supremacist views. He also has made controversial quotes such as these: (On Blacks) ‘that they’re systematically discriminating against blacks for some reason. Or you have to believe the more obvious thing which is that they’re dumber. And enough experience with them kind of persuades you that the dumber thing is probably true.’ (On Jews) ‘And it is interesting how the things that are the most screwed up in our society — media, education, and government — seem to have a disproportionate number of them.'”


Johnson claims that emails released by Buzzfeed News in December of 2017 show Twitter execs admitting that Johnson was not technically in violation of rules.

Johnson has begun a fundraising campaign with a goal of $100,000 to help pay his legal fees. He describes the campaign as follows:

Make Twitter Great Again #FreeChuck2018

Make Twitter Great Again #FreeChuck2018

This is your last chance to stop Twitter’s management from stealing the next election by stopping them in court.

Click here to Read the Lawsuit

They suspended President Donald Trump. They’ll suspend you–if they haven’t already.

Indeed Twitter has far more power than any fake Russian Facebook ads. Who has more power to influence politics in the U.S. — Vladimir Putin or Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s part-time CEO?

It’s no secret that Twitter hates conservatives and they are working to silence you from the social media sites you love. This is your chance to stop the shadow banning once and for all.

I know you’re probably thinking that Twitter is a private company — they can do whatever they want! — but we have rules and laws against monopolies like Twitter misbehaving.

If you have to bake the cake for the gays why don’t you have to provide the Internet — a civil right according to the UN — to everyone? Should the global public square be owned by the pro-Antifa Silicon Valley left?

Jack Dorsey once described Twitter as a “utility… a broadcasting system for the Internet…like electricity.”

Can the electric company turn off your power or the water company shut off your water because they don’t like your politics?

Lawsuits like this one are the only thing that prevents the Internet from becoming like the lyin’ media and CNN.

So vote with your wallet and help us make the Internet truly neutral before it’s too late.

And yes, we do accept cryptocurrency (contributions do not show on the total collected).

Milo Yiannopoulos, Roger Stone Announce Anti-Trust Lawsuit Against Twitter

Gretchen Mullen

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