FullofSchiff Jokes Occupy Twitter Users While Waiting for ReleaseTheMemo: Twitter Funnies

#SchiffAboutToHitTheFan #SchiffForBrains #SmellsLikeBullSchiff #FullOfSchiff #InDeepSchiff #BullSchiff #Schiffhole #Schiffstain #ChickenSchiff #SchiffOuttaLuck #HorseSchiff #Schiffhouse #BatSchiff Millions have demanded that congress #ReleaseTheMemo both day and night for 14 straight days, yet it remains a closely guarded secret. That's 14 days longer than any secret(big,small, or meaningless) that could in any way damage President Trump. #DeepStateInPanic #FullofSchiff pic.twitter.com/xDIvHkgRfi — … Continue reading FullofSchiff Jokes Occupy Twitter Users While Waiting for ReleaseTheMemo: Twitter Funnies