What’s an NPC meme and why are they spreading all over Twitter?

An NPC stands for Non-Player Character in a video game.

Courtesy Urban Dictionary:


A play on video games “non-player character” mixed with a play on The SimulationHypothesis.

An NPC is seemingly a human that is unable to think objectively.

We exist in a simulated reality and some humans take on the role of NPCs, spouting “opinions” they are programmed to spout and repeating in a cult-like manner.

Liberal: (Yelling) Fuck Trump! Ban guns!
Conservative: (Yelling) Fuck Hillary! Ban immigrants!Friend: Bro, I’m sick of all these people just repeating shit…
Me: Its hard to move forward with all these NPCs.
by shimokuma July 03, 2018
Apparently cooked up on 4 Chan, a user suggested that social justice extremists exhibited characteristics of a non-player character. The idea caught on and the meme war began.
Many people seemed to find the memes offensive and dehumanizing. This only made the mememakers work harder.
Meanwhile, bot activity under the #NPC hashtag began to spike. (Presumably Russian disinformation bots.)
Folks who monitor this kind of activity on Twitter began reporting and suspending the accounts.

So while the bots seem to be anti-Resistance, they then point to a brand new website called the National Progressive Coalition.

But the new National Progressive Coalition is pro-Resistance–and this is what is called DISINFORMATION.

Statement of A. Wess Mitchell, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, U.S. Strategy Towards the Russian Federation

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

“It’s important to state clearly what these (disinformation) campaigns are and are not about.

“What they’re not about is any particular attachment to specific U.S. domestic political causes. They are not about right or left or American political philosophy. The threat from Russian influence operations existed long before our 2016 presidential election and will continue long after this election cycle, or the next, or the next. As the recent Facebook purges reveal, the Russian state has promoted fringe voices on the political left, not just the right, including groups who advocate violence, the storming of federal buildings and the overthrow of the U.S. government. Russia foments and funds controversial causes – and then foments and funds the causes opposed to those causes.”

Gretchen Mullen

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