North Korean Defector: Return DPRK to State Sponsored Terrorism List

Thae Yong-Ho, Photo Courtesy Zhang Wei, Voice of America.

On November 2, 2017 House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) issued the following statement urging the administration to relist North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism:

“The North Korean regime’s murderous torture of Otto Warmbier and assassination of Kim Jong Nam are just two examples of a consistent pattern of recent terrorist activities. Before the committee this week, Thae Yong-ho, a high-ranking North Korean defector, endorsed relisting North Korea as a state sponsor of terror. So I urge the administration to take quick action. There is simply no reason for further delay of this decision.”

Note: Chairman Royce’s H.R. 3364 – signed into law on August 2, 2017 – required the administration to determine within 90 days whether North Korea meets the criteria for designation as a state sponsor of terrorism.

On November 1, 2017, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs listened to the testimony of Thae Yong-ho, the highest-ranking North Korean defector to ever testify before the House of Representatives. Thae joined the Foreign Ministry in 1988 after receiving degrees in international politics and English from Pyongyang and Beijing Universities. His most recent position was in London, where he was minister and deputy chief of mission from 2013 to 2016, when he defected to South Korea.

Thae began his two and one half hour testimony with a prepared statement

Major points:

Thae worked on the frontline of North Korean diplomacy as the former Deputy Chief of Mission of North Korea. He defected to South Korea in 2016.

Thae lived a life of privilege in comparison to the average North Korean who may deal with oppression and hunger. “I went through elite educational courses in North Korea, which could not even be dreamed of by ordinary citizens there. At the age of 14, I was sent to China for a special elite educational program. More than 20 years of the past 55 years of my life, were very privileged by North Korean standards. I lived and worked in foreign countries such as China, Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The North Korean system provided me with all kinds of political privileges and economic benefits during this time and, in the course of my last posting, I was fortunate enough to live in the UK with my wife and two sons. Throughout my life, my family members and relatives were all dedicated true communists.”

So why did he defect? His reasons are two-fold. First, his two sons were educated in the UK with complete exposure to freedom of thought and information: “I could not force my sons to pretend to be loyal to Kim Jong Un and the North Korean system and to shout ‘long live the supreme leader Kim Jong Un!,’ ‘long live the socialist paradise of the DPRK’ – like I did all my life.”

Second, Thae lived as “a modern-day slave… leading a ceaseless double-life, which was psychologically difficult. I had to pretend to be loyal to the Kim Jong Un regime, even though my heart did not agree. I often was asked questions by my British friends which caught me flat footed. Trying to justify the North Korean system when, deep down, I knew their concerns were fair and legitimate. They asked me things such as:

  • How could Kim Jong Un persecute his own uncle?
  • Why does North Korea continue to appeal for humanitarian aid while pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into its nuclear and missile development?
  • Communism has always opposed a dynastic transfer of power, so how then does the Kim family’s hereditary leadership system prevail so long in North Korea?”

These doubts, of course, could lead to persecution, prison camp or death: “Indeed, if it is discovered that a senior elite may have different ideas or express private dissatisfactions, then he or she could be subject to persecution. And as you all know, even the members of the Kim’s family have been subject to this type of persecution. Such was the case with the killing of Kim Jung Un’s uncle Jang Song Thaek and half-brother Kim Jong Nam. Beyond these high-profile incidents, much more has been going on beneath the surface over the past five years, hundreds of cadres have been persecuted without due process. For example, the families of former North Korean Ambassadors to Cuba and Malaysia were sent to prison camps and nobody knows whether they are now alive or dead.”

Thae says changes in NK over the past five years show signs the Kim Jong Un regime is weakening:

Free markets are flourishing, threatening the state owned socialist economic system.

The welfare system of North Korea has long collapsed and millions of civil servants, army officers, and security forces are dependent on bribes and state asset embezzlement for their survival.

The citizens do not care about state propaganda but increasingly watch illegally imported South Korean movies and dramas. Until now, the North Korean system has prevailed through an effective and credible reign of terror and by almost perfectly preventing the free-flow of outside information.

“These changes, however, make it increasingly possible to think about civilian uprising in North Korea. As more and more people gradually become informed about the reality of their living conditions, the North Korean government will either have to change and adapt in positive ways for its citizens, or to face the consequences of their escalating dissatisfaction.”

Understanding the goals  and mindset of Kim Jong Un:

Today, Kim Jong Un thinks that only nuclear weapons and ICBMs can help him avert the continuing disintegration of the North Korean system.

He also thinks that the existence of a prosperous and democratic South Korea so close to the border is, by itself, a major threat towards his dynasty.

While Kim Jong Un has already long had the tools to destroy South Korea effectively, he also believes it is necessary to drive American forces out of the peninsula.

And this can be done, he believes, by being able to credibly threaten the continental United States with nuclear weapons.

Recommendations going forward:

It will take some time to assess the effectiveness of the current economic sanctions and campaign of diplomatic isolation. Thae recommends we continue the momentum and even expand targeted sanctions until the North Korean regime comes back to the dialogue table for denuclearization.

Second, strengthen the U.S.-ROK alliance: “The US and ROK Governments should enhance the level of their coordination and communication under the slogan of ‘We go together.’”

It is a long established dialogue strategy of North Korea to exclude South Korea while communicating only with the US. The US and South Korean Governments should frustrate this North Korea strategy through strong concerted co-ordination.

Use Soft Power Techniques before military options:

Meet with Kim Jong Un: “It is necessary to reconsider whether we have tried all non-military options before we decide that military action against North Korea is all that is left. Before any military action is taken, I think it is necessary to meet Kim Jong Un at least once to understand his thinking and to try to convince him that he would be destroyed if he continues his current direction.”

Educate the North Korean population to stand up to the regime by disseminating outside information—much more needs to be done to increase the flow of information into North Korea. “The U.S. is spending billions of dollars to cope with the military threat. Yet how much does the U.S. spend each year on information activities involving North Korea in a year?”

Open Chinese borders to defectors: Some 30,000 North Korea defectors have come to South Korea. In China, however, tens of thousands of North Korean defectors are living without papers, under the shadows, and are being physically or sexually exploited. US should do more to stop Beijing repatriating defectors back to North Korea.

Enhance military preparedness: “Frankly, Kim Jong Un is not fully aware of the strength and might of American military power.”

Also, “Kim Jong Un genuinely believes that he can break the sanctions regime apart once he compels Washington to accept North Korea’s new status after successfully completing the development of his ICBM program and putting the new missiles into deployment.”

During the Q&A period of the hearing, Thae answered questions from committee members:

Terror List:

The current regime under Kim Jong Un is a reign of terror comparable to crimes committed by the Nazis. The current sanctions are good, but they are not enough as NK maintains a stockpile of supplies. However, these rations will only be given to the elite. (Malnutrition and famine have already decreased the height of the average North Korean by 10 cm.) Placing NK back on the state sponsored terror list would help drive NK out of the international financial systems and cut off funding for further nuclear development.

Mount Paetku, Portrayed as the birthplace site of Kim Jong Il, Courtesy DPRK Tourism


We must understand that North Koreans truly believe Kim Jong Un and his entire dynasty are divine. North Koreans truly believe this and are brainwashed from an early age. The belief in Kim Jong Un as a god makes it easier to convince North Koreans that they should be willing to die for him. Information smuggled into North Korea to prove he is human would help the citizens to unite against him. For example, North Koreans do not know Kim Jong Un is the third son of his father and it is likely his own grandfather didn’t even know of his existence. He was raised and educated in Switzerland and no one knows the true year of his birth.

Mr. Thae: “The Kim Jong Un regime established a full-scale, stupid brainwashing system depicting Kim Jong Un as a god. So I think we should try to concentrate our efforts to educate North Korean people that Kim Jong Un is not a god. He is just a normal human being.”


U.S. broadcasting efforts are critical. Information smuggled into the country should include American TV through small devices. Content should be tailored for each class of North Korean citizen. (There are three classes.) Regardless of class, North Koreans need to know “very simple tailor-made content which can tell the basic concepts of freedom, human rights and democracy.” Currently, movies do come in on SD cards, also referred to as nose cards, because young North Koreans conceal them in their nostrils. The risks are that public executions have been held for simply watching South Korea movies.

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump in China (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

The Problem of China:

The Chinese government must support economic sanctions against North Korea and stop sending defectors back to North Korea for torture and labor enforcement or even death. The Chinese must open a route to defection which could allow a mass exodus to occur. The Chinese should set up temporary refugee camps to hold defectors safely until they can continue on to South Korea where they will be welcomed.

Also, China continues to trade with North Korea, especially with the purchase of coal, primarily through unofficial smuggling networks. North Korea trucks carrying ICBMs are Chinese-made, supposedly to support the timber industry. China could use these same smuggling routes and techniques to smuggle in information.


Thae says, “It’s not a paradise…it is the worst inhuman system in human history.” The system of classification is similar to the feudal class system. It is not a socialist welfare system as it portrays itself. Citizens do not know what fair payment is for work. Sometimes salaries do not even cover the cost of food. Sexual exploitation also exists in which young girls are chosen to work for the family.

25 Aug 2010 – “Storax Sedan” underground nuclear test – July 1962
Storax Sedan (yield 104 kt) – shallow underground nuclear test conducted by the United States on 6 July 1962 at Nevada Test Site. The main purpose of the detonation was to asses the non military dimension of a nuclear explosion. Image in the public domain
Photo: The Official CTBTO Photostream


Who is helping them with developing nukes? North Korea has been studying the development of nuclear weapons since the late 1950s under the tutelage of the former Soviet Union. Thae does not know of the need for any outside help at this time.

The purpose of the nuclear program is to put preserve the regime. Kim believes nukes will guarantee his rule and will drive the US from the Korean peninsula through what is essentially blackmail. He believes that once he can successfully prove he can strike the US with a nuclear weapon, the US will pull out of South Korea. Thae says South Koreans are already moving further away from the DMZ, knowing that most successful missiles are only short range at this time.


The proliferation of nuclear weapons and the ramping up of terror have caused more elites and diplomats to defect than ever before. Elites need to be enticed to leave through specially arranged deals that will help collapse the regime. Thae estimates that the elite (“the core class”) make up about 25 percent of the total population, which would amount to less than 10 thousand people. He noted that even though many people have a high ranking in society, they still do not have free access to information and would have to be educated. He estimates only 300 to 400 people control the country, and these are the only ones with access to world news, Internet, etc.


Soft power should be used to pressure other countries to expel North Korean diplomats.

US State Department State Sponsors of Terrorism

Countries determined by the Secretary of State to have repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism are designated pursuant to three laws: section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act, section 40 of the Arms Export Control Act, and section 620A of the Foreign Assistance Act. Taken together, the four main categories of sanctions resulting from designation under these authorities include restrictions on U.S. foreign assistance; a ban on defense exports and sales; certain controls over exports of dual use items; and miscellaneous financial and other restrictions.

Designation under the above-referenced authorities also implicates other sanctions laws that penalize persons and countries engaging in certain trade with state sponsors. Currently there are three countries designated under these authorities: Iran, Sudan, and Syria.

Country Designation Date
Iran January 19, 1984
Sudan August 12, 1993
Syria December 29, 1979

Never Go Full Dotard

Donald Trump’s tweet about Kim Jong-Un calling him “old” really only scratched the surface of the insults North Korea has hurled. In state run media, which has made the use of the word “dotard” a household term, he is also referred to regularly as a lunatic, hard-of-hearing maniac, hysterical warmonger, rogue gangster and mentally deranged barking dog.

In 2014, during the release of the satirical comedy “The Interview,” North Korea unleashed a string of insults against President Obama (translations vary):

“Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds, like a monkey in a tropical forest.”

“You can also tell this by his appearance and behavior, and while it may be because he is a crossbreed, one cannot help thinking the more one sees him that he has escaped from a monkey’s body.”

“(He) still has the figure of monkey while the human race has evolved through millions of years.”

“does not even have the basic appearances of a human being”

“a wicked black monkey”.

“Obama’s gut-wrenching, revolting facial features.”

“monkey climbing up this and that tree and scrounging up fruits on the ground,”

“it’s certain that Obama has slipped out of the body of a monkey,”

“he should live as a monkey in an African natural zoo licking the breadcrumbs thrown by spectators,”

Courtesy Joshua Stanton, One Free Korea.

Other insults:

Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye : “vile prostitute,”  “senile granny,”  “tailless, old, insane bitch.”

President George W. Bush: “hooligan” who looked like “a chicken soaked in the rain.”

Vice President Dick Cheney:  “most cruel monster and blood-thirsty beast.”

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld: “political dwarf, human scum or hysteric.”

State John Kerry: “wolf with a hideous lantern jaw.”


So, back to President Trump’s tweet, the comments ranged from the predictable “Delete your account” and “Impeach Trump,” to the more light-hearted:

Okay, at this point I’m convinced Trump’s account has been hacked. Even he’s not this whacked out. Wait, yes he is.

I… I just… did you just have a stroke or something?

If he won’t take medication the only alternative is that the rest of us do until he goes away.

u ok hun? Xx

Seriously sir step off, go to bed, just breathe

Donald trump just called Kim jong-un short and fat on twitter…… we’re going 2 b blasted into smithereens, my god…

Symptoms of neurosyphilis Confusion, disorientation. Sudden personality changes. Changes in mental stability. Dementia. Depression

Kim Jong-un is living in Trump’s head rent-free

twitter in 2014: oh cool ellen took a selfie with a bunch of other celebrities twitter in 2017: the president just called kim jong-un fat

Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice, but the smart money is on Trump making momma-so-fat jokes at Kim Jong-un.

Remember when President Obama appeared on Between Two Ferns and conservatives said it was beneath the dignity of the office? Trump is currently fat shaming Kim Jong-un on Twitter….

trump: i’m friendly with russia because they’ll help us get on better terms with north korea trump 30 mins later: kim jong-un is short and fat

Trump is so pissed about Kim Jong-un calling him old that he has cancelled his date with Putin to watch “Golden Girls.”

Kim Jong-un went too far this time. Nukes are one thing, but ageism is something else entirely. The American people will not stand for discrimination against old people!

Kim Jong-un’s reply “Yo Potus so fat, it took me two trains, a plane, and a bus to get to his good side.”

Donald Trump just body shamed Kim Jong-un. Next he’s going to unfriend him on Facebook.

“Dear Kim Jong-Un, Do you like me? Circle one: YES NO Your friend (hopefully), Donny”

When you thought nothing could get stranger… Enter Trump saying he’s trying “hard to make friends with Kim Jong-Un”

Just so we’re clear… Our POTUS just “fat shamed” Kim Jong-Un AND called him a “Manlet” in the same tweet. THIS IS THE BEST TIME EVER FOR POLITICS!!!!

someone wrote this EXACT SAME THING in my 7th grade yearbook. Weird.

All I can say is… Kim Jong-Un needs to create a twitter

And finally, my personal favorite:

Never go full dotard.


North Korea Calls Human Rights Film Festival a Farce of Pseudo-Moviepersons

Korea-Sponsored “International Film Festival for Human Rights in North” Flailed (Date: 11/10/2017 | Source:

Pyongyang, November 10 (KCNA) — A spokesman of the Consultative Council for National Reconciliation in a statement Friday hit out at the south Korean puppet forces for staging the farce of “international film festival for human rights in the north” in Seoul.

Those who flocked to the festival were without exception pseudo-moviepersons from south Korea and the West who act as a shock brigade in denying the reality of the DPRK, at the instigation of the U.S. and with the financial support from it, the statement said, and went on:

The puppet forces even let “defectors from the north” take part in the festival, fanning up the atmosphere of confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north.

Their “human rights” racket is an outright challenge and a serious politically-motivated provocation to the dignity and the social system in the DPRK.

This treachery of pushing the confrontation with the fellow countrymen to the extremes under the backstage manipulation of the U.S. is absolutely intolerable.

What should not be overlooked is that the rubbish-like films justifying the hideous crimes against humanity such as the illegal abduction of DPRK citizens were openly screened in the center of Seoul at the tacit connivance of the present puppet authorities allegedly speaking for “candlelight demonstrators”.

The confrontation burlesque dubbed “international film festival for human rights in the north” which Lee Myung Bak and Park Geun Hye group of traitors used to hold has been carried forward. This clearly proves that the group of past conservatives and the present ruling authorities are all the same group of traitors and criminals inciting confrontation with the fellow countrymen.

The puppet authorities do not hesitate to hold the racket for “human rights” campaign to do harm to the DPRK, at the end of getting zealous in their moves to provoke a nuclear war against the north and to put sanctions on it while following the U.S. as a shaggy dog.

The army and people of the DPRK will never tolerate the puppet authorities and the organizations hatching plots against the DPRK and kicking up the racket over “human rights” in the north as they slander and hurt the dignity and social system in the DPRK, which represent the lifeline of its army and people.

The puppet authorities should not run amuck, bearing in mind that their acts of following in the footsteps of the group of conservatives and traitors being pursuant to the U.S. will be rejected by the people and face a bitter final ruin.


The 7th North Korean Human Rights International Film Festival was organized by the Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights in Seoul, South Korea. The annual festival featured a total of 15 films representing directors from seven different nations.

Headliners included Crossing Heaven’s Border, The Propaganda Game and The Lovers and the Despot.

Crossing Heaven’s Border: In the past decade, up to 100,000 defectors have crossed the waters of the Tumen and Yalu Rivers into northeast China to escape from North Korea, the world’s last closed Communist state. Crossing Heaven’s Border reveals the plight of North Korean defectors from the point of view of intrepid South Korean journalists who risk their lives filming undercover for ten months to capture the haunting stories first-hand.

The film is only 57 minutes and is available free through PBS:

Video: Full Episode

The Propaganda Game: This video diary-style documentary follows filmmaker Álvaro Longoria as he visits North Korea and examines the country’s propaganda machine.

The Lovers and the Despot: A famous director and actress are kidnapped by movie-obsessed dictator Kim Jong-il. Forced to play along with a bizarre filmmaking project, they get a second chance at love but only one chance at escape.

Others films shown included A North Korean Diary by Austrian director Luca Paccio, Liberation Day by Norwegian filmmaker Morten Traavik and Latvian director Ugis Olte, and Soyagok, which means serenade in English, of South Korea’s MBC TV.

Assassination of Kim Han Sol, Son of Kim Jong Nam: Plot Foiled

According to Korea Joongang Daily (JoongAng Ilbo), China has arrested would-be assassins of Kim Han Sol, the 22 year old son of recently assassinated Kim Jong Nam. Kim Jong Nam, the half-brother of North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, was assassinated on February 13, 2017 in the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Airport through the use of a VX nerve agent, considered to be a weapon of mass destruction. Kim Han Sol is the nephew of Kim Jong Un.

For current updates on the assassination trial of Kim Jong Nam, see

Assassination of Kim Jong Nam Trial: What We Know So Far

According to the the South Korean daily, seven North Korean spies were secretly dispatched to China on a mission to kill Kim Han Sol. Chinese authorities have two of these spies in custody and is questioning them in Beijing. The anonymous source said that North Korea’s Reconnaissance General Bureau recently sent the team to Beijing — apparently without China’s knowledge — to search for the 22-year-old nephew of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and kill him. Officials from China’s Ministry of State Security apprehended two of the spies, but the whereabouts of the other five suspects are not currently known.

Kim Han Sol is the son of Ri Hye Kyong and the now deceased Kim Jong Nam. They also have a younger daughter. The family had been living in Macau until the assassination of Kim Jong Nam, when the family went into hiding.

Kim Han Sol made a statement in March 2017 in a YouTube Video uploaded by a group named Cheollima Civil Defense.

In a statement on the Cheollima Civil Defense website the organization said the following:

“Cheollima Civil Defense responded last month to an emergency request by survivors of the family of Kim Jong Nam for extraction and protection. The three family members were met quickly and relocated to safety. We have in the past addressed other urgent needs for protection. This will be the first and last statement on this particular matter, and the present whereabouts of this family will not be addressed.

We publicly express our gratitude for the emergency humanitarian assistance afforded to us in protecting this family by the governments of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the People’s Republic of China, the United States of America, and a fourth government to remain unnamed. We also recognize our colleagues who remain in the North or within its system who provide critical assistance in extracting such individuals.

In particular, we recognize Ambassador A.J.A. Embrechts, representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, for his timely and strong response to our sudden request for assistance. Ambassador Embrechts is a credit to the people of the Netherlands and their long and principled stance for human rights and humanitarian norms.

We regret that several nations refused assistance to this family in this particular apolitical, humanitarian emergency. We, and those we aid, recognize with gratitude all who stand with us on the right side of history.”

천리마민방위 | Cheollima Civil Defense

Assassination of Kim Jong Nam Trial: What We Know So Far

The Kim Jong Nam murder trial began on October 2, 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is currently in recess until November 6, 2017. Here’s what we know so far:

Kim Jong Nam was the older half-brother of North Korea Kim Jong Un. They shared the same father.

Kim Jong Nam was assassinated on February 13, 2017 at the Kuala Lumpur Airport in Malaysia. His assassination was caught on surveillance cameras.

In the video, Kim Jong Nam is approached from behind by a woman who smears something onto his face, particularly in the area of his eyes. A second woman then repeats the process. The women each go to separate restrooms and wash their hands and then leave the airport without incident.

Kim Jong Nam gestures for help from airport security and is escorted to a medical area of the airport. He is medically distressed and is transported to a hospital but pronounced dead at the hospital. (Initial reports said he was dead within 20 minutes, but the trial account says it was approximately 2 hours before death occurred.)

The chemicals are later determined to be a VX nerve agent classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.

The women are identified via video surveillance and are arrested within a few days of the incident. They claim they thought they were part of a prank for a reality TV show and did not know the chemicals were lethal. Both women claimed they were directed by four men known only by nicknames.

The women have been charged with murder and face death by hanging if it convicted.

This combination of file handout pictures released by the Royal Malaysian Police in Kuala Lumpur shows suspects Doan Thi Huong of Vietnam, left, and Siti Ashyah of Indonesia, right, who were detained in connection to the Feb. 13, 2017, assassination of Kim Jong-Nam, the half brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. (AFP/Getty Images)

The women face death by hanging if convicted.


The accused are Indonesian citizen Siti Aisyah, 25, and Vietnamese citizen Doan Thi Huong, 29.

Murder occurred at 9 am while Nam waited near the check-in counter in the departure hall at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. He was travelling alone.

Nam was carrying a passport that said his name was Kim Jong Chol, which is the name of Kim Jong Un’s younger brother.

See More about Kim Jong Chol, Eric Clapton Super Fan at: 

The North Korean government requested that no autopsy be performed on the body. The attorney general’s office in Kuala Lumpur overruled the request and the autopsy was performed on February 15. No next of kin was available to identify the body and North Korea officially denied the dead man was Kim Jong Nam, insisting instead it was actually the Kim Jong Chol identified by the passport. Through a secret process, DNA was obtained from Kim Jong Nam’s son and the body was confirmed to be that of Kim Jong Nam. (Kim Jong Nam’s family is now in hiding.)

The autopsy confirmed acute VX nerve agent poisoning. Nam’s body was released to the North Korean embassy under pressure. Malaysian and North Korean relations are now very tense.

The trial was briefly moved to a lab to safely view VX stained clothing belonging to both the victim and the suspects.

Next, video footage showed Kim Jong Nam after the attack in distress, escorted to an onsite medical clinic, walking first and then staggering, and on a stretcher being wheeled to an ambulance.

Video also showed the two suspects fleeing the scene after washing their hands.

It was revealed that Kim Jong Nam had $100,000 in cash on him when he died.

Each woman’s lawyer was hired by her own country and blame NK for the attack, insisting women are just dupes.

Police revealed that Huong had done a practice “prank” at the airport two days before.

About two weeks into the trial, the issue of the mystery men who are suspected of directing the two women began to unfold.

The men have only been named in court by the pseudonyms they gave to the women:

Mr.Y, seen walking with Doan into the airport and also seen pouring liquid into Doan’s hands.

Mr. Chang, seen with Siti Aisyah at a restaurant and also seen pouring liquid into her hands.

Hanamori, also known as Grandpa/Uncle, suspected of giving orders to Mr. Y and the apparent ringleader of the operation.

James who is suspected of recruiting Siti Aisyah.

(Although it has not yet been discussed in the trial, Interpol issued an international red warrant for Ri Ji Hyon, Hong Song Hac, O Joong Gil and Ri Jae Nam. These four are charged in the crime as well, a charge called “Common Intention,” but are considered to be “still at large.”)

On October 24, the trial moved to the scene of the crime. The overwrought suspects were transferred to wheelchairs and one was crying. They had to wear bullet proof vests and handcuffs.

A North Korea scientist named Ri Jong Chol has not been charged although he did own a car that took two of the men to the airport on the day of the crime. Due to “insufficient evidence” he was deported back to NK.

It was revealed Nam had a total of 4 passports all bearing the name  of Kim Chol.

The four wanted men all left Malaysia by air on the same day as the murder and video shows attempts to make changes to their appearances after visits to the restroom.

The trial resumes on November 6, 2017.

Eric Clapton Super Fan? Who is Kim Jong Chol?

2015 photo taken at Eric Clapton Concert courtesy Yonhap News Agency

Mystery surrounds the older brother of Kim Jong Un. Few, if any, facts are known, other than the fact that he loves Eric Clapton. He was reportedly spotted in public only a very few times, and each of these times involved an Eric Clapton concert.

In 2006, Kim Jong Chol (sometimes referred to as Kim Jong Chul) purportedly attended several Clapton shows in Germany. Next, five years later, in 2011, Kim Jong Chol was spotted in Singapore at a show.

Courtesy Hankook Ilbo.

Then, in 2015, a camera crew caught him on film attending Eric Clapton’s show at Albert Royal Hall, apparently going two nights in a row. The slim, handsome man was wearing a slick leather jacket and dark shades.

Wikileaks cables dated 2007 reveal the following tidbits of information on Clapton’s biggest fan:

Quoting Dr. Stephen Linton, Chairman of the Eugene Bell Foundation, (who) described a recent two-week mission in the DPRK to oversee Eugene Bell medical assistance programs…Linton, who has visited the DPRK regularly for nearly thirty years… the cable reads:

Arranging an Eric Clapton concert in Pyongyang could also be useful, he said, given Kim Jong-il’s second son’s devotion to the rock legend. END SUMMARY.

And again, a request that Eric Clapton come to Pyongyang…


9. (C) Linton passed on the suggestion from his North Korean interlocutors that the USG arrange for Eric Clapton to perform a concert in Pyongyang. As Kim Jong-il’s second son, Kim Jong-chol, is reported to be a great fan, the performance could be an opportunity to build good will. 


The Family Tree. The recently assassinated older brother, Kim Jong Nam, had a different mother.

Courtesy Korea Joongang Daily.

As to other factual information about Kim Jong Chol, there is very little. He and Kim Jong Un have the same mother, and Kim Jong Chol was born in 1981, studying in Switzerland as a young man.

Kim Jong Chol is said to have fallen out of favor as the leader of DPRK because he is, according to some, girlish and soft-hearted. The Hankook Ilbo newspaper out of Seoul, South Korea reports it this way: he was “suffering symptoms of hypersecretion of female hormones.” (No official source was quoted.)

Courtesy Hankook Ilbo.


North Korea: Killings, torture, arbitrary detention, rape, forced abortions: Human Rights Report

This report continues to shine a spotlight on the serious human rights abuses committed by the Government of North Korea, including those involving extrajudicial killings, forced labor, torture, prolonged arbitrary detention, as well as rape, forced abortions, and other sexual violence inside the country. Many of the country’s human rights abuses underwrite the regime’s weapons program, including forced labor in the form of mass mobilizations, re-education through labor camps, and overseas labor contracts. Thousands of North Koreans are sent abroad every year to work in slave-like conditions, earning revenue for the regime.

Report on Serious Human Rights Abuses and Censorship in North Korea

October 26, 2017

Section 304 (a) of the North Korea Sanctions and Policy Enhancement Act of 2016, Public Law 114-122, enacted on February 18, 2016, requires that the Secretary of State provide a report to Congress every 180 days that: (1) identifies each person the Secretary determines to be responsible for serious human rights abuses or censorship in North Korea and describes the conduct of that person; and (2) describes serious human rights abuses or censorship undertaken by the Government of the DPRK or any person acting for or on behalf of the DPRK in the most recent year ending before the submission of the report. The report is being submitted to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Financial Services, and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate.

This report continues to shine a spotlight on the serious human rights abuses committed by the Government of North Korea, including those involving extrajudicial killings, forced labor, torture, prolonged arbitrary detention, as well as rape, forced abortions, and other sexual violence inside the country. Many of the country’s human rights abuses underwrite the regime’s weapons program, including forced labor in the form of mass mobilizations, re-education through labor camps, and overseas labor contracts. Thousands of North Koreans are sent abroad every year to work in slave-like conditions, earning revenue for the regime.

In addition, the regime’s efforts to control North Koreans’ freedom of movement and access to information reach far beyond its sovereign boundaries. The government deploys security officials on assignments overseas to monitor the activities of North Koreans abroad and to forcibly repatriate individuals seeking asylum abroad.

This report details aspects of the human rights situation in North Korea and the conduct of relevant persons, including those determined by the Secretary of State to be responsible for the commission of serious human rights abuses or censorship in the DPRK.

The Military Security Command (MSC) monitors military personnel for anti-regime activity and investigates political crimes in the military. According to the UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) on the situation in the DPRK, it is “the military’s own secret police.” While technically part of the Korean People’s Army General Staff Department, the MSC reports to the Ministry of State Security. In practice, its jurisdiction extends beyond the military to ordinary citizens of the DPRK, as well. COI witnesses have stated that the MSC extracts information through torture and those accused of political crimes can be executed without trial by the MSC. Defectors and numerous non-governmental organizations (NGOs) report that the MSC operates special prison camps where military personnel are held indefinitely without trial for political offenses.

Jo Kyong-Chol is the commander of the MSC. According to NGO reports, he is responsible for human rights abuses in the DPRK’s defense-industrial complex. Jo is also responsible for communication and implementation of state policies, including those involving human rights abuses, passed directly to him by Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un to elements of the security apparatus. South Korean media has reported he is considered one of three “angels of death” for his direct involvement in purges soon after Kim Jong Un assumed power, which targeted Kim’s uncle, Jang Song-taek, as well as people close to Jang. According to various NGO and media reports, the purges for which Jang and his associates are responsible involved arbitrary arrest and detention, banishment, and executions conducted without due process. In addition, family members and associates of officials purged with Jang were rounded up and sent to political prison camps without trial.

Sin Yong Il is the deputy director of the MSC. In his capacity as one of four deputies, Sin Yong Il conducts the daily on-the-ground operations for the MSC and has direct knowledge of the special investigations it conducts. He reports to the commander of the MSC, who takes orders directly from Kim Jong Un. According to reports, including reports by foreign governments, he is responsible for tasking and verifying the implementation of orders of censorship, including the crackdown on the flow of foreign information and media devices, and orders to abduct and detain DPRK citizens abroad suspected of seeking asylum.

Jong Yong Su is the minister of labor. In this capacity, he oversees the Ministry of Labor (MOL), which the Department of State identified as responsible for serious human rights abuses in the January 11, 2017, report. As that report notes, the MOL works together with the State Planning Commission (SPC) to implement an economic system based on forced labor. Through the combined efforts of the SPC and the MOL, the government compels lower-class North Koreans to join paramilitary forced labor brigades that essentially serve as slave labor for the regime. According to Human Rights Watch, these brigades work extended periods of time without pay. They are often forced to work up to 14 hours a day, six or seven days a week, with no compensation. In this position, Jong directs the day-to-day activities of the MOL, including direct supervision over the placement of workers in positions of forced labor.

Ri Thae-chol is first vice minister of the Ministry of People’s Security (MPS) and a colonel general in the Korean People’s Army. In the July 6, 2016, report, the Department of State identified the MPS as responsible for serious human rights abuses and censorship. Ri reports directly to the minister of people’s security and communicates policies to the rest of the ministry through the chief of staff. Ri directly oversees the 50 bureaus of the MPS as they restrict the freedoms of expression and movement and operate labor camps known for abuse and torture.

Kim Kang Jin is the director of the External Construction Bureau, a DPRK government agency that manages the construction firms that send laborers from the DPRK to work in countries across the world. The UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the DPRK noted in a February 2017 report that these laborers are reportedly kept under strict supervision by officials from the DPRK and are consequently unable to exercise freedoms of expression, movement, and peaceful assembly. The report further notes that these laborers are subject to “serious violations of international labour standards, including long working hours, delayed and below-minimum-wage payments and lack of safety measures.” The European Alliance for Human Rights in North Korea noted in July 2016 that DPRK laborers sent abroad frequently worked exceedingly long shifts for six days a week, yet most of their pay was repatriated back to the DPRK government, rendering them “state-sponsored slaves.” As director of this bureau, Kim sets policies that allow for dangerous working conditions, long hours, and withholding of pay. These directives create a system of forced labor, which constitutes a serious human rights abuse.

Ku Sung Sop (AKA Ku Young Hyok) is the North Korean consul general in Shenyang, China. Prior to serving in this capacity, Ku was the Ministry of State Security director for foreign counterintelligence. According to foreign government reports, Ku’s primary responsibilities in China include surveillance and monitoring of overseas workers, who are forced to work long hours and have their pay withheld by the DPRK government, and supervising the forced repatriation of North Korean asylum seekers in China.

Kim Min Chol is a second secretary at the DPRK embassy in Vietnam and the Ministry of State Security safety representative. Kim’s responsibilities at the embassy include hands-on participation in the forced repatriations from and disappearances in Vietnam of North Korean asylum seekers from the DPRK. According to a foreign government, in 2013, he led the kidnapping of South Korean missionary Kim Jong Wook, who was later sentenced to hard labor in North Korea.

Chol Hyun Construction is a North Korean company, acting on behalf of the DPRK government, which exports workers from the DPRK to other countries, primarily Gulf States and Africa. According to media reports, Chol Hyun Construction requires its workers in Kuwait to log extremely long hours (on average, 14 hours per day) and confines its workers to their quarters when they are not working. The same report indicates these workers are paid meager salaries. The report explains workers receive roughly $800-$1000 per month, 40 percent of which is paid directly into a North Korean government bank account, 20 percent is withheld by the site supervisor for company operating costs, and another 10 percent is withheld for room and board expenses. The remaining $165-$200 per month belongs to the worker, but workers are often required to give their cash to the site supervisor for “safe-keeping.” These workers are also forbidden from leaving the work site and group housing facility without permission from the North Korean security officer assigned to the work site. A South Korean media outlet also reports that North Korean workers in the Middle East, including employees of Chol Hyun Construction are kept in slave-like conditions, including having salaries and passports withheld by DPRK security officials assigned as site supervisors, meager food rations, poor living conditions, and severe restrictions on their freedom of movement.

North Korea: The Death of Kim Jong-nam

PHOTO: Kim Jong-Nam, the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has been assassinated in Malaysia, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency said on February 14, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / TOSHIFUMI KITAMURATOSHIFUMI KITAMURA/AFP/Getty Images

It’s a murder plot out of a spy novel. Kim Jong-nam, the estranged half-brother of North Korea’s unpredictable leader, was allegedly poisoned by two women assassins at Kuala Lumpur airport. All signs point to Kim Jong-un, the rogue state’s leader, as behind the murder.

101 East investigates the mysterious case, exploring the highly secretive and paranoid world of North Korea, where those who escape continue to live in fear of its reckless brutality. Given the most recent display of its missile tests, it’s a recklessness the rest of the world needs to heed.

This half-hour film by Mary Ann Jolley explains why Kim Jong-nam was assassinated and why he had likely been a target for a very long time. Also available on YouTube.

World’s First Aerial 360 Video Over North Korea 2017

Please note that video viewing is enhanced by moving cursor around to take a 360 degree view.

This video was made by Aram Pan with permission of the North Korea Government. The video was edited per North Korean censors, but Pan claims 90 percent of his original footage is intact.

Pan is flying an ultralight aircraft in order to create the film.

Aram Pan (潘君瀚) is a Singaporean full time photographer and media consultant. During his spare time, he travels to North Korea and captures scenes of the country that the mainstream media generally ignores. He goes by the motto “there are two sides to every coin” and the entire DPRK 360 project is all about looking at North Korea with a different perspective.

His website, is sponsored by Young Pioneer Tours, Juche Travel Services and Eastern Vision. He also maintains an active Facebook Page at

The Amazing Kims: Mythology and the Cult of Personality in North Korea

The Kim Dynasty begins in 1912 with Kim Il Sung, father to Kim Jong Il, grandfather to current leader Kim Jong Un.

Kim Il Sung: Born 1912. Died 1994. Also known as “Eternal President.”

Took power as president of North Korea in 1948 with support of Soviet Union.

The calendar of North Korea begins with Kim Il Sung’s birth year. It is called Juche 1.

“With the Century” is a multi-volume set of Kim Il Sung’s reminiscences. He claims to have begun his political activism at the age of six. The following is are links to his bio:

Mount Paetku, Birthplace site, Courtesy DPRK Tourism

Kim Jong Il. Estimated birth was in 1941 in Russia. Died 2011. Also known as “Dear Leader,” “Guiding Star of the 21st Century” and “Glorious General, Who Descended from Heaven.”

North Korean legend holds that was Kim Jong Il’s birth was of a divine and sacred nature that occurred on Mount Paektu (an active volcano also known as Mount Baekdu) on April 15, 1942. His birth was foretold by the appearance of a swallow. Once born, the seasons changed, a new star was born and a double rainbow appeared over the mountain. Throughout his life, he was able to control the weather with his mood.

He walked at three weeks old and spoke at eight weeks old.

He authored 1500 books and wrote six operas.

North Koreans believe his birthday is celebrated around the world.

Kim Jong Il was a declared a fashion icon setting trends worldwide.

He invented the hamburger, termed double bread with meat and known as ‘Gogigyeopbbang’.

Courtesy Rocket News 24, an airline meal featuring the North Korean hamburger.

Kim Jong-Il required that each grain of rice he was served be inspected for the perfect length, weight and color.

During times of famine, he encouraged North Koreans to eat sawdust for its nutritional properties. They also were skilled at filling their empty stomachs with tree bark and grasses. He is rumored to have spent almost one million dollars per year on Hennessey cognac.

Kim Jong Il was a golfing prodigy. The first time he ever played he made eleven holes-in-one and broke all world records by scoring 38 strokes under par.

He had evolved beyond having to use the toilet as his body worked so perfectly it did not produce human waste.

Kim Jing-Il kidnapped South Korean director Shin Sang-ok and actress Choi Eun-hee to make North Korea a world leader in the film industry.  The documentary The Lovers and the Despot tells this amazing story.

Kim Jong Il’s death was marked by a sheet of ice snapping loudly in the lake at the mount where he was born. Later that same day, the sky turned red and the words ‘Mt. Paektu, holy mountain of revolution, Kim Jong Il’ appeared to be carved onto the mountainside. The glowing words then disappeared at the day’s end.

Kim Jong Un. Born 1984. Also known as “Supreme Leader.

Kim Jong Un could drive at the age of three. He won a major yacht race at the age of nine.

He set the clock back 30 minutes in 2015 to compensate North Korea for time that had been stolen by the Japanese.

North Korea has cures for AIDS, EBOLA and more.

The Internet is only for government use.

Kim Jong-un has climbed to the summit of the sacred Mount Paektu.

Kim Jong-Un is a gifted composer and musician.

He loves basketball.

The parody twitter account DPRK New Service capitalizes on the mythology of the “Amazing Kims” with delightfully fun tweets such as the following: