Mad Hatter Day 2018

“If you knew Time as well as I do,” said the Hatter, “you wouldn’t talk about wasting it. It’s him.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” said Alice.

“Of course you don’t!” the Hatter said, tossing his head contemptuously. “I dare say you never even spoke to Time!”

Mad Hatter Day (10/6) Trivia:

The Mad Hatter was introduced by Lewis Carroll in Alice’s Adventures  in Wonderland published in 1865.

The famous illustrations accompanying the work of Lewis Carroll were created by John Tenniel.

October 6 is the date chosen to celebrate Mad Hatter day because the Mad Hatter has a note on his hat that reads, “In this style 10/6.”

In Carroll’s works, the character is actually referred to as The Hatter rather than The “Mad” Hatter.

Mad Hatter Day is celebrated in Great Britain on June 10.

Mad Hatter Day was created in 1986 for pure silliness and fun.


According to The Phrase Finder

The term “As mad as a hatter” means:

Completely mad. This is now commonly understood to mean crazy, although the original meaning is unclear and may have meant annoyed.

Mad hatters existed before Lewis Carroll put one into Alice in Wonderland, but no one is sure how this 19th century expression originated.

Mercury was used in the making of hats. This was known to have affected the nervous systems of hatters, causing them to tremble and appear insane.