Sarah Braasch, the Yale Police Dept & Connecticut’s FOIA HS Curriculum

As a skeptic, I like to stick to the facts. If you’ve never heard of Yale student Sarah Braasch or the Napping or Sleeping While Black viral video, here’s a little background.


As you may know, the Napping While Black incident took place in the early morning hours of May 8, 2018. Fast forward to the present, where we have Sarah Braasch today embroiled in a battle with Yale to have the Yale Police Department’s body cam footage released to the public via an FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request. Yale University and the Yale Police Department intend to fight this request, so here are the most recent facts in this case.

FACT #1  Yale University has retained a prominent attorney to defend the FOIA request made by Yale student Sarah Braasch

Yale University retains prominent attorney to defend FOIA request made by Yale student Sarah Braasch


FACT #2 Yale Police Department refused to release body camera footage requested by The New Haven Independent in May of 2018.

FACT #3 The Connecticut FOIA Commission has developed a teaching curriculum with a lesson plan about their ruling that the Yale Police Department was subject to an FOIA request in 2008. (See page 43 forward)

FACT #4 Read the final decision ruling the YPD subject to an open records request here: