Luciferian rulership system waging spiritual battle; Donald Trump at center

Paul McGuire, co-author of Trumpocalypse, a Bible prophecy expert, recently announced on the Jim Bakker Show that “we are in the greatest spiritual battle of mankind” and that President Donald Trump is at the center of this spiritual battle.

McGuire referred to the following Biblical quote attributed to Paul in Ephesians 6:10-6:12:

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

McGuire elaborated on the statement he made on the Jim Bakker Show on the Paul McGuire Report posted to YouTube on May 22, 2018:

“The physical battles that we see in our world and nation right now are a direct manifestation of the spiritual battles going on in the invisible realm. There are people very high up in what is called the globalist occult or globalist Luciferian rulership system, and this rulership system consists of what used to be called the Pharaoh-God Kings, it’s what Aldous Huxley called ‘The Scientific Dictatorship,’ and these are advanced beings who know how to tap into supernatural multidimensional power and integrate it with science, technology, and economics.”

McGuire explains that Christians must spread this message far and wide and understand that behind these unprecedented attacks on Donald Trump a spiritual battle, rather than a political battle, is actually playing out in the physical world. The New World Order is being propped up by this unseen globalist Luciferian ruler system and these elite are trying to control the world through supernatural methods.

“They are people at the highest level of the pyramidic organizational structure in which the highest ranking officers, if you will, of the New World Order and Mystery Babylon are ruling the earth through an organizational structure that looks like the pyramid on the back of the U.S. dollar. And they control the world because they understand that the true control of the world is done through supernatural mechanisms.”

Paul McGuire Report

Published on May 22, 2018

McGuire’s most recent book Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon (Babylon Code) is co-authored by Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist Troy Anderson. The two also co-authored The Babylon Code.

Trumpocalypse is “an explosive exposé of the chilling truth about the fierce opposition to the Trump presidency, and why the globalist elite and Deep State will stop at nothing–assassination, military coup, staged economic collapse, or worse-to overthrow him.” (Amazon)

More from Amazon:

“The authors fearlessly expose the globalist elite’s secret plan for humanity and campaign of mass deception. Using documentation gleaned from years of journalistic investigation and extensive interviews with over fifty of the world’s most respected geopolitical, economic and military affairs experts, faith leaders, and biblical scholars, McGuire and Anderson unmask these elites as members of secret societies with deep occult connections who have gained control of America’s dominant institutions-government, education, entertainment, international banking, and even the media.

Trumpocalypse explores the enigmatic prophecies and “biblical codes” involving Trump, and asks whether God raised up President Trump as a fearless leader to guide America and the free world through a series of major crises as the biblical end-time narrative unfolds, as many people with prophetic gifts are predicting, and shows why everyday Americans and evangelicals have rallied around Trump as their last hope of saving America and averting the horrors of the Apocalypse. It further reveals why Trump and millions of “deplorables” are fighting to stop the hidden agenda of the Establishment, and how the perplexing chaos enveloping the planet could paradoxically signal the beginning of the great end-times awakening that millions are praying for.”

About the Authors

PAUL MCGUIRE is an internationally recognized Bible prophecy expert and regular commentator on Fox News, CNN, and the History Channel. He is the host of the GOD TV international prophecy television show, Apocalypse and the End Times. He is an eschatology professor and each year speaks to tens of thousands of people at Bible prophecy conferences. He lives in the Los Angeles Area.

TROY ANDERSON is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, bestselling co-author along with Paul McGuire of The Babylon Code, former executive editor of Charisma magazine and Charisma Media, and a regular guest on numerous television and radio shows. He lives in Irvine, California.


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